Self-Love. Conscious Eating. True Healing.
"I believe love will heal the world but it must start with loving yourself. I believe we eat more than just food. We consume media, information , etc. I believe everyone needs to heal something. Work with me to discover the changes necessary to achieve self-love, conscious eating, and true healing."
- Carole Murko, Founder LoveEatHeal
Hi! I'm Carole,
Certified Health Coach & Mindset Expert
Why LoveEatHeal?
These three words, Love, Eat, Heal are the key to a peaceful, harmonious, and thriving life.
LOVE yourself First
The root of most of the ills of the planet is a lack of love. Not romantic love, but self-love. A love of YOU – your DIVINE essence, your whole being, your inside and outside.
Through my blog and my programs, I will take you on a journey to discover how to love yourself first.
EAT Consciously
Eating consciously is an act of self-love.
To truly dine on food. To thank it. To relish it. To honor it. To understand the energetics of cooking with love in your heart. To connect with the consciousness of what you are eating. Might I also add that when we are conscious of what we are digesting around us such as news, and information overload, it is an act of self-love.
I'll have fun sharing recipes, my experience with plants and plant medicine, and how becoming more aware of how and what you eat can shift your consciousness.
HEAL what needs to be HEALED
We all have something to heal. From trauma, disease, accidents. From broken hearts, tragedies, or from the dysfunction of modern life.
When you LOVE yourself first and Eat consciously, Healing happens.

I came to work with Carole following years of stress, anxiety, illnesses (including cancer), and seven major surgeries in less than three years. Prior to meeting Carole, I had begun seeing integrative medical professionals and had done some work with a therapist to help with some intense stress and anxiety. These supports were helpful but in retrospect they were small steps compared to the work and changes Carole helped me bring about in my everyday life. Carole has taught me to manage my inner voice, to meditate, and to embrace being myself - truly myself. My physical health has improved considerably and my mental/emotional well being has never been better. This is the greatest gift of all. I am far less critical/judgmental (especially of myself) and far more accepting, inquisitive, open, and positive. As you can imagine, this has not only improved my body and mind but also all relationships in my life - even interactions with strangers. Stress and anxiety has been replaced with a sense of optimism that I haven’t felt in years. Nearly everyone in my life has been pleasantly surprised by and commented on these positive changes, including my husband who is truly impressed with Carole! In short, the work I’ve done with Carole has changed every aspect of my life for the better. My only remorse is not finding her sooner.

Carole's gifts feel magical!! She guides you to go within to reflect on your gifts: your strengths that reflect and animate the power of your purpose! This guided reflection inspires the energy and confidence to manifest the ability and satisfaction of recognizing and achieving your purpose. This process relieves emotional and physical stress so you believe and move in the reality of your purpose, self-confidence, and actual joyfulness. More importantly, she guides you to reboot by yourself when the need is there. I have experienced this power! It has elicited in me a new youthfulness and inspired confidence in the possibilities which are mine to realize!!

The work I am doing with Carole is life-changing. I have been on a healing and self love journey for a while, and Carole just took me to a whole new level that would have taken me years to accomplish on my own. Carole's experiences, education, loving support, compassion and so much more has made my experience top notch. I can't express enough gratitude in words how much I appreciate Carole, the work she is doing and the transformation she has made in my life. I am forever upgraded and will continue on this new path. Every human being can benefit from Carole's work that levels up every area of life from health, self care/love, relationships, balancing stress, business, parenthood, and SO MUCH more. Thank you, Carole, with all my heart for transforming my life in more beautiful loving ways than I ever imagined possible. The work I am doing with Carole is life changing. I have been on a healing and self love journey for a while, and Carole just took me to a whole new level that would have taken me years to accomplish on my own. Carole's experiences, education, loving support, compassion and so much more has made my experience top notch. I can't express enough gratitude in words how much I appreciate Carole, the work she is doing and the transformation she has made in my life. I am forever upgraded and will continue on this new path. Every human being can benefit from Carole's work that levels up every area of life from health, self care/love, relationships, balancing stress, business parenthood, and SO MUCH more. Thank you, Carole, with all my heart for transforming my life in more beautiful loving ways than I ever imagined possible.
Stories of Transformation: Real Journeys, Real Healing
Trained and Certified